Hello, Today I'm gonna introduce our new live wallpaper named
aCircuit Board v1.0. It's a great idea to show inside your phone.It makes your phone like you don't have any wallpaper and just show the mobile circuit board but something lively happens inside.
There are some touch events that make you joyful and interested. But I don't want you to come to know all of the functions right now. Because this will be more interesting for you to find out sort of events. For your interesting, I'll give just one hint. It's Double Tapping. After then keeping look into the phone how it works.
I think the most important thing for live wallpaper is a lively look & battery use. For your phone, this wallpaper spends
low battery use and support some kind of settings such as broken glass screen like above image, if you turn on the GPS, WIFI and Bluetooth sensor, it's gonna show it in the top of the left side.
Please enjoy this wallpaper as much as you can.
You can search it in the android market with "circuit" or "flowerpig"
Package: com.flowerpig.lwp.circuit